Saturday, February 5, 2011

Defending the indefensible

On the one hand as the 2G saga continues and the new Telecom minister, who has been sent with a one point agenda to shut down the investigation and openly encouraged by the entire industry (as they are all the beneficiaries without a single exception i guess - and even if there is an exception he must have been promised proper compensation once the dust settles) - took it upon himself to discredit and rubbish the CAG report. By the time he could take his foot out his ulcerous mouth the Supreme Court went on and admitted the CAG report as evidence. Now the entire industry is on tenterhooks as they along with a corrupt minister will also have to "go to jail" NOT pass go or collect their 200!!

On the other hand the tamasha of the appointment of a tainted IAS officer as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) got curioser by the day and the virus of "Footus mouthus" continued here too as a cornered government said that it was not made aware of the fact that the incumbant was a party named in the FIR for the palmolien scam dating back a couple of decades back!!

What really surprises me is that once the government is NOW AWARE, what is stopping them from removing such a misfit? Sadly there was none to answer us when we called. Even the answering machines had long given up recording messages as there was none left to hear them For they were all either defending the indefensible or had been struck the "Footus mouthus" virus.

A few of my friends said that it was time that India did an Egypt. Sadly we still have a lot more water to go by under the bridge of the "haves and the have nots" before people set aside their differences of caste, colour, religion etc etc and take on the politicians who are the one true enemy of the "Aam Admi" (common man)