Friday, February 19, 2016

Dharma, Karma, Responsibility and Rights

The recent drowning of a school child in a water tank in a school premises has resulted in the arrest of the school principal, class teacher and 3 other maintenance staff of the school.

Another incident (among many) show people who are drowned while out in a lake, beach etc or just standing on the rocks of a river bed taking photos being swept away.

In the above cases nobody other than the people who died are responsible as these are accidents and as such what happened in the school was also an accident. Just as the grief of the parents who lost their child cannot be understood, they have to to understand that blaming others for an accident will not bring their child back. Yes, after such accidents the schools have to relook at their safety procedures and the government may make it mandatory for audit of school premises etc, But the knee jerk reaction of blaming the school authorities who were as clueless of the incident as the authorities whenever a person falls into a sewer and dies or a child falls into a borewell and dies or a two wheeler bumps on a pothole in the road and the pillion rider dies, the teachers and principal of the school are just as innocent or as guilty as these very authorities.

May be as they are deemed soft targets, it is easier to make an example of them But unlike the other authorities who dont even remember the number of people who die on a daily basis due to their indifference and corruption the school employees will carry this scar all their lives - That according to me is punishment enough.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

the olympics a virus and you get another conspiracy..

With the olympics due in Brazil this summer the sudden flurry of media reports on the effects of a virus which is possibly as old as malaria (isolated for the first time in '47 in Uganda) and causes dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile viruses. The present form of the virus linking it to fetal abnormalities is enough to send alarm bells ringing worldwide and here is where the conspiracy theorists have a field day - people will go to the olympics and they will "Buy" the vaccination necessary - in fact it would be even better if the vaccine is "mandated" by the WHO for travel to Brazil. Considering this virus has been around for a long time - it is more a storm in a tea cup (Of course one should be sensible and not travel to places which are undergoing an outbreak no matter how common the virus) BUT the role of the companies engaging in Genetically Modified mosquitoes or GM crops to withstand the spraying of pesticides and insecticides should be investigated - otherwise the conspiracy theorists will have more converts by the day.