Friday, January 31, 2014

FAA downgrades Indian Aviation Safety - Some facts (Nannygate continues?)

Looks like the US still smarting under Nannygate. They went after the visas of IT companies, They went after the Pharma companies - Now they have downgraded Indian Aviation's safety ranking.

Now let us look at some facts:

India US remarks
Legislation 9 8 out of 10
organisation 6 10 out of 10
licensing 9 9 out of 10
operations 9 9 out of 10
air worthiness 9 10 out of 10
accident investigation 8 8 out of 10
air navigation services 6 8 out of 10
aerodromes 9 10 out of 10
percent 81.25 90
based on icao audit till 21st dec 2012 19th nov 2007 no info on audits & followups beyond this date
number of safety incidents 520 3180
fatal accidents 159 1375
accidents/incidents 0.305769231 0.432389937 strike rate
fatalities 3105 14372
population 1250000000 330000000
fatalities as % of pop'n 0.0002484 0.004355152
probabilty score 0.000305723 0.004839057
rationalise by 10000 3.057230769 48.39057239

1. There is a 16 times more probability of dying in an air accident in the US than in India

2. For every safety incident there is a 43% strike rate in the US as opposed to a 30% in India for conversion into a fatal accident (and to think that our famous flying coffins - the MIG's are also included in this database -take them out and this conversion rate will drop rather sharply)

So what is the yardstick for the 81% to India and 90% to the US?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The after-Math (Devyani - US spat) AND 150th anniversary of Vivekananda

All actions between countries are for a benefit that accrues at the end of the said action.

Let us now list out the benefits of the action taken by the US when they unceremoniously arrested an Indian Diplomat:

1. All extra privileges given by India Unilateraly to US diplomats withdrawn - Math - India 1 - US - 0
2. All US diplomats in India now made to give accounts on their spouses status of employment/ otherwise with respect to Visa - India 1 - US - 0
3. All commercial establishments in the US embassy premises under scrutiny - India 1 - US - 0
4. the Diplomat who helped the maids family removal to the US returned back to the US - India 1 - US - 0
5. US ambassador cancels holiday trip to Nepal as all extra benefits have been withdrawn - India 1 - US - 0
6. Local Indians discover they have a spine - India 120billion - US - 0

For point 6 alone one is happy as this episode has kindled an outrage resulting in self belief and faith - the kind vivekananda talked about BUT people never understood UNTIL this sad episode happened.