Sunday, May 26, 2013

Match Fixing - an analysis

Naxals, Rapes and the routine murder of democracy by the elected - with such pressing issues at hand to fire fight - our police is busy tapping phones of cricketers for stopping betting!

Now this raises the abvious Question - why is the police so INTERESTED in betting? The answer is closer home than most would like to acknowledge or understand. It is the politician who manages the betting syndicate - so when there is a new claimant aka the players themselves - the politicians whistles for his faithful dogs who dutifully do as per his masters betting er i mean bidding!! They leave all other investigations of rape, murder etc and focus on "Betting" - the national pastimes of the common man in india - much more important than terrorism, nirbhaya etc etc. Betting is illegal because the law as it stands today makes it so - if it were not then it would be legal - the only thing illegal even then would be "match fixing" or "spot fixing".

India was an unintended beneficiary of one of the earliest match fixing in cricket - the 1983 world cup - just as much inspired as kapil's devils were - the bookies who rigged the tournament so that their "dark horse" would win were just as incentivised!! The picture of a west Indian fan lying face down on the ground after the Indian win was just as much as a give away as the shouldering of the bat by Greenidge to Sandhu!!

Sadly the press got it all wrong when they blamed Kapil of match fixing - when in fact it was the west Indian team in cahoots with the bookies which caused an Indian win!!

The more recent World cup when India beat Pakistan is a lesson in match fixing. The way the Pakistan bowlers were making the ball talk while their fielders played with butter in the hands was all to obvious and telling. This time it was so fixed so that the unofficial God of cricket can be accommodated with the only missing trophy in his otherwise spilling cupboard of mementos!!

The legality of the bet placed by yudhishtira with draupadi as the asset and the collateral damage the same caused is all to well documented. What this investigation will reveal will of course be "fixed" by the political masters that be unless of course a rouge court comes up with some questions which will lead to a more complete investigation rather than a pre ordered one as currently undertaken!

The rule for all investigators - you dont fix to win - you fix to lose - ask any shady promoter of a boxing match!!