Thursday, May 5, 2011

War cry..

After 10 years and bankrupting a nation (more than 6 trillion dollars on homeland security and wars in afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, etc etc) the objective has been finally achieved. The most wanted man (by the americans at least) is dead.

Immediately AFTER the event we have people like the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and other "human rights" watchers who are expressing their "discomfort" over the killing of an unarmed man.

HELLO - wake up and smell the coffee - this is WAR and all is fair. Where was their collective humanity hiding DURING the past decade when scores of innocents were killed trying to get to Osama? Also the inescapable fact that the American government now will inflict great hardships on its people as it collects higher taxes to repay the debt that has financed this war? (increasingly more and more of them are living in INHUMAN conditions)

The fact that people forget is that the hydra monsters of terrorism are all local faction groups set up by the CIA at various times in the past. They think that by killing the figureheads (saddam, osama etc) these groups will be destroyed BUT as they woke up and smelled the coffee they realised that the local resistance groups they had helped set up had become systems of terror that have tentacles far and wide and there is no ONE true head.

So the debate on whether the war is moral or not may continue, who started it etc etc BUT personally there is no humanity in a terrorist that one has to shed tears of human rights when one is killed - armed or not. Remember none of their victims were armed OR were at war. They were normal cilvilians buying grocery, out for a movie, at a restaurant etc etc.

Just as Bheeshma and Drona were killed in the battle of Right over Wrong by adopting means not exactly rooted in Dharma - so too the war on terror (adharma), in future, will be fought with increasingly questionable means.