Thursday, November 12, 2009

Capitalism - can i have some Mo(o)re..

Oliver Twist wanted some more and we all want Moore. But really do we?

The entire movie was just his view and his path towards defining capitalism as "evil" - nowhere did he attempt to get to the root cause of all the current financial problems - consumerism and plain greed.

If the investors were not greedy (playing the lottery) and lapped up all the questionable deals that wall street sold them-
If people had not borrowed endlessly against their homes to finance a lifestyle they could ill afford (did banks really think that they could sell all these homes to recover)
If people had not lived like there was no tommorow
and so on and so forth..

The one thing he did show up was the 2nd bill of rights - which in my opinion for all the right reasons wasnt enacted - simply because they were the confused utopian rambling of a president who had gone soft after the years of hardship his people had undergone during the 2ndWW.

I mean looking at the list would make communist China blush:
- jobs for all!!
- money for all human needs and needs also includes recreation!!
- farmers to sell their produce at good rates (what will happen to all the middlemen?!!)
- free enterprise - now when was the last time that was there?
- housing for all (heard about lustron?!!)
- healthcare for all - ???
- education for all
- old age care for all

of course the original bill had a lot of adjectives like good, adequate, decent etc - now who is to decide on these measures? to be fair to FDR if he had lived to make this dream of his a reality maybe most of these adjectives would have been ironed out and maybe Moore would not have had an opportunity to make a film on the evils of capitalism but rather he would have made a film on the evils of communism!!

Now the confused mixed economy approach of India has worked for the past 62 years without a recession - with a 40% opening up of the economy we are into our first recession and stimulus package!! So a comparison of communism, socialism, mixed economy and capitalism would have been more academic, less dramatic but more truthful with respect to what Moore wants us to believe - that capitalism is "evil". It aint evil but definitely it is over rated. It also cannot provide the untold riches to all - there is place for only one king and he doesnt take too kindly to another on his turf or become king on his watch!!

The rich are the getting richer and this is aided and abetted by the political class which is financed by them in the form of loose fiscal policy and other covert policy measures which act as effective trade and competition barriers!!

It is at times like these that when one looks at what is happening in India and wants to thank ones stars for being born in this mixed economy which is so confusing that even recession so far has been confused from entering here in all its despair and depression!!

Can i have some more of this confusion please..

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