Wednesday, November 18, 2009

how to make 4000 into 5000?

Ask Booz Allen and NACIL!!

"Going by Booz Allen’s three-year cost-cutting plan, the airline will be able to save at least Rs400 crore by March 2010, another Rs1,400 crore by March 2011 and yet another Rs2,300 crore by March 2012, he said. “The three-year cost-cutting plan will help Air India to save about Rs4,100 crore. Together with the revenue-enhancement measures, which will be executed immediately, cost cutting would yield Rs5,000 crore savings in next 18 months,” said this executive."

I never knew that "increase in revenue" can be clubbed under "cost cutting". This is akin to real estate company ads which have become more and more desperate recently. sample this "100% sold out - call 99xxxx for some select apartments" LOL. What levels people will sink to - to misguide the public!! more public money down the drain. the government is better off just selling this junk crate that flies!!


  1. hey if we can have entire countries doing this trick to keep "aloft" why not an airline to keep "afloat"?!

  2. the ultimate joke is, for all those "recommendations" for cost cutting, the axe has fallen badly- wonder if Air India will go after that Booz guy to get their money back for giving bad numbers.
